Stockwell Group Practice
Appointments Line: 0207 2743223
General Enquiries Line: 0207 2743225


We provide a wide range of services and clinics for patients at our practice.

You can find out more by clicking on the links.


Please phone 0207 2743223 or drop into the surgery to make an appointment. You can also contact us by using an online form (AccuRx) Our Admin Team will ask you whether...

Lambeth MSK app

The Lambeth MSK app (powered by getUBetter) is provided free of charge by Lambeth ICS for patients registered at Stockwell Group Practice. It can be accessed on a Smartphone or...

Medicines A to Z

Find out how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions. Go to the Medicines A to Z on the...


NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can use the NHS app to: Get your...

NHS health information

There is plenty of information to help you manage your health on the NHS website. These buttons will take you to different sections of NHS and you can look up...

Non-NHS services

The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. This includes private sick notes, insurance forms, holiday cancellation forms, fitness to travel certificates, etc. In the case...

Online services

Patients can book appointments with a doctor and order repeat prescriptions via this website. This is protected by the highest security and cannot be accessed by others providing you keep...

Repeat prescriptions

To order your repeat prescription online with Patient Access please click here There are 2 ways in which you can order your repeat prescription. They are: Online – The easiest...

Self care

The Well Centre – Free confidential health hub for 11 to 20 years-olds – click here Did you know that 10 of the most minor ailments seen by GPs can...

Sexual Health Services in Lambeth & Southwark

There are many local NHS services which provide free sexual health screening, a range of contraception options, as well as sexual health advice and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)....

Sick certificates

You only need a doctor’s note if you are unable to work and are ill for longer than seven calendar days. Your employer will provide you with an SC2 self-certificate...

SMS text messaging

It is practice policy that all patients are automatically opted in for receiving text messages from the practice on your mobile phone. We will not send any clinical or medical...

Stop Smoking Services in Lambeth

Test results

The phlebotomist visits the surgery on Monday and Thursday mornings between 8.30am and 11.00am. When a doctor or nurse asks for blood tests you will be asked to make an...

Travel Advice

Travel Vaccinations If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to make an telephone consultation with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements.  This will include which...

Who should I see?

We try to keep our GP appointments for patients with more serious health problems. Before you book an appointment to see a doctor please consider whether an appointment with a...


Our clinics include: Counselling Addiction Advice Ante-natal Asthma/COPD/Breathing tests Cervical Screening Child Health Developmental Checks Childhood Immunisations Chiropody Contraception (IUCDs/implanons) LARC fitting (see details below) Long Acting Reversible Contraception Diabetes...

Date published: 28th August, 2014
Date last updated: 15th November, 2014